wet carbonization

wet carbonization
мокре обвуглювання

English-Ukrainian analytical chemistry dictionary. 2013.

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Смотреть что такое "wet carbonization" в других словарях:

  • coal utilization — Introduction        combustion of coal or its conversion into useful solid, gaseous, and liquid products. By far the most important use of coal is in combustion, mainly to provide heat to the boilers of electric power plants. Metallurgical coke… …   Universalium

  • wood — wood1 woodless, adj. /wood/, n. 1. the hard, fibrous substance composing most of the stem and branches of a tree or shrub, and lying beneath the bark; the xylem. 2. the trunks or main stems of trees as suitable for architectural and other… …   Universalium

  • Wood — /wood/, n. 1. Grant, 1892 1942, U.S. painter. 2. Leonard, 1860 1927, U.S. military doctor and political administrator. * * * I Hard, fibrous material formed by the accumulation of secondary xylem produced by the vascular cambium. It is the… …   Universalium

  • Activated carbon — Activated carbon, also called activated charcoal, activated coal or carbo activatus, is a form of carbon that has been processed to make it extremely porous and thus to have a very large surface area available for adsorption or chemical reactions …   Wikipedia

  • chemical industry — Introduction       complex of processes, operations, and organizations engaged in the manufacture of chemicals and their derivatives.       Although the chemical industry may be described simply as the industry that uses chemistry and… …   Universalium

  • Ometepe (archaeological site) — Ometepe Island is an important archaeological site, located in the Lake Nicaragua in the Republic of Nicaragua, administratively belongs to the Rivas Department. Its name derives from the Nahuatl words ome (two) and tepetl (mountain), meaning two …   Wikipedia

  • Wool — is the fiber derived from the specialized skin cells, called follicles, [Australian Wool Corporation, Australian Wool Classing, Raw Wool Services, 1990] of animals in the Caprinae family, principally sheep, but the hair of certain species of… …   Wikipedia

  • Pflanzenkohle — (engl. biochar, früher auch Biokohle genannt) wird durch pyrolytische Verkohlung rein pflanzlicher Ausgangsstoffe hergestellt. Es sind spezielle, zertifizierte Pyrokohlen, die durch zusätzliche ökologisch nachhaltige Produktions , Qualitäts und… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • petroleum refining — Introduction  conversion of crude oil into useful products. History Distillation of kerosene and naphtha       The refining of crude petroleum owes its origin to the successful drilling of the first oil well in Titusville, Pa., in 1859. Prior to… …   Universalium

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